Thursday, December 5, 2013

God has a Plan, a Plan He does have!


Hello!  Today I wanted to share what is on my heart. Almost 18 years ago I felt as if my whole world had fallen apart.  It did as far as I was concerned!  I'll save all the details, that becoming a Pearson has brought out in me and give the short story.  I felt unwanted, unworthy, and to costly.  Satan has used/uses that over and over to wound me.  Those are LIES that I believed and still honestly struggle with.

Only about 6 weeks after my world cratered, My Knight in Shining Armor entered into my life as a boyfriend of a old friend. At that point, I had no idea that God would use him & he would be my knight!  They broke up 2 months before I started dating him!!! I'm not *that* girl! So, we started dating and it was Love!  His name had 4 syllables Grrr-aaaaaa-nnnn-ttt, Papaw Jim still gives me a hard time about calling him that!  After, only 8 months of dating my family and I moved from Gtown to Andrews!  I wasn't at all happy, I tried to eat my self to happiness and gained 30 lbs from January '97 to May '97. But, God had a plan!!!

This knight went to trade school to be a welder, why his parents allowed that I do not know! But God did! Mr. welder found a great paying job in Andrews area and moved 2 months after I had moved.  He followed me! We became engaged and got married. I was 19 when we said our I do's!  I was determined to get my Teaching Certificate before I had children, God went along with me on that one!

So, I accomplished my goals of college, teaching degree and now it was time for children! We consulted with God, Dr. and each other and then worked on it! About 10 months later my beautiful red headed baby girl was born! What a miracle children really are. I often still question why God would allow me to raise these blessings. When she was 22 months old our beautiful miracle # 2 was born.  It was/is incredible how different both babies can be.   Girl vs. boy, re-flux vs. breast milk, & 1 vs. 2,  I felt unworthy & inapt that was for sure.  God had a plan!  I cried everyday I worked and Lola-Bug was in childcare. When I found out I was pregnant with Bubba, I started stashing money so I could stay home! What would I do? God sent a beautiful angel as a friend to me.  Her baby #1, is one day older than Lola-Bug. She encouraged and helped me have faith that God would provide for my family if I stayed home. 

What had I done?  I was alone at home with a new born and a two year old? 25 students was a breeze compared to these little sweeties! How would I survive, how would I ever get anything done? This slowly worked out and I did manage to get dressed most days and venture out in public!  My happy pill prescribed for postpartum was needed, "O" boy was it needed!  I am thankful for Dr.s and medicine.  My angel friend helped me a lot.  Sometimes we would just sit and talk, sometimes we would head to the park.  We shared recipes, meals and most of all our hearts with one another.  We truly understood one another, what a blessing and a plan God had!  I love her so much, tears are flowing from my eyes as I type! 

Taking a glimpse back into God's plan for my life I see that my whole world had to fall apart for me to move to Georgetown.  Once, I was there God placed Grant in my life.  His mom and dad were suppose to allow him to go to welding school so  he could follow me to the oil patch of West Texas. He received a great job as a welder. A comment of  "You'll never finish college, you'll end up pregnant and barefoot" pushed me and pushed me to get my degree! God knew I needed that! God kept Shawndell in Odessa, instead of her getting a position in Midland in '01.  She is such a blessing. God, surprised us with Bubba, he was 3 yrs early, aren't the 1st born usually the surprise?  Bubba being born lead to me staying home.  Staying home lead to my relationship with Jesus growing, strengthening and healing!

My Knight in shining armor is still awesome just encase you were wondering. He has a strong faith and encourages me in mine.  We left West Texas 5 years ago.  I knew God had a plan for us here. It was exciting to start a new adventure. Within the first 6 months I met 3 angel friends who help me through my bouts of depress & anxiety. They are all so different, but I love that about them, they know who they are. God's plan  was better than I could of imagined.  I had to leave 1 amazing friend for 3 amazing friends.

After, our 1st year here my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer.  God gave me a verse 
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Matthew 6:25 This verse gave me strength and hope for Nikki's diagnosis.  Today as I type I wonder what plan God has for my life, is there a reason for the hiccups in my life right now? I bet so!!! So as God's word says we should,
"always be giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:19-21  Thank you God for your Plans!!!

Let me tie this all up, today Grant said something that he had no intentions of it hurting me but it did.  I'm learning from my christian counselor about how my past hurts are still hurting me.  Unknowingly, his words were like a dagger in my wounded heart. I lashed out at him and it was ugly.  I sat down, cried and talked to Jesus.  I was shown that those Lies of being unwanted, unworthy, and to costly  were taunting me.  Grant loves me and wasn't trying to hurt me.  Jesus is healing my heart but it is a slow process.  Yes, Jesus is Healing me!!! Counseling is one of the best things I have ever done for myself, I encourage you to go if you have hurts big or small from your past or present!

 God has a plan, a plan He does have! 

  **Disclaimer, I haven't proofed this so the grammar and spelling maybe Crystal-fied!"


  1. Thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing. I'm constantly testing to ward off Satan's lies with truth and it's not always easy nor does it usually come naturally but it is getting easier. I thank God I know the one and only for real truth. That in itself is a true blessing....I lived so long without knowing it or having a true relationship with Him. I screw up all the time but the great thing about truth is its always thereand perfectly perfect even when I'm not. Love you girl and am so thankful for my "sisters".

    1. Thanks Jen for your response & honesty! Love ya!

  2. I loved reading your story! You are awesome. Big hugs!
